Are you familiar with the G center in human design? It’s often referred to as the “seat of the soul” because it represents our sense of direction and purpose in life.
Located at the top of the bodygraph, the G center is the only center that connects to all other centers. It’s responsible for our sense of identity, direction, and connection to the greater whole.
When it’s defined, it gives us a consistent and stable sense of identity and direction, and a deep sense of inner knowing about who we are and where we are headed. People with a defined G center tend to have a strong sense of self, and they are often very confident and certain about their place in the world.
When you have a defined G center, you have a strong sense of self and direction. You know who you are and what you’re meant to do in life.
However, if your G center is undefined, you may struggle with finding your purpose and sense of identity. Having an undefined G center means you’re designed to sample and explore different experiences and opportunities to find what truly resonates with you. You have the ability to connect deeply with others and influence them through your own unique perspective.
Individuals with an undefined G center may struggle with feelings of disconnection, restlessness, and a sense of not belonging. However, this can also lead to a great sense of openness and flexibility, as they are not tied down to a specific identity or direction.
By understanding your G center in human design, you can gain a deeper understanding of your purpose and direction in life. You can discover what truly makes you happy and fulfilled, and align your actions and decisions accordingly.