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There are so many programs out there. Here are the people I have learned under.



Looking for software to run charts? Here are my tried and true.



My favorite Amazon products from Astrology  and HD to Beauty and Home Decor

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Quantum Human Design with Karen Curry Parker

Karen Curry is one of the Human Design OG's she studied and worked along side Ra. Karen is kind, empathetic, and a great teacher with deep knowledge about how these systems work. She has created her own method that is digestible, empowering, and widely recognized as a leader in the Human Design Space.

HD Your Biz with Jamie Palmer

Jamie has masterfully put together a Human Design program around business. I was part of her first cohort and have continued to apply the tools and knowledge I learned through her teaching. If you're looking to build a business with Human Design in mind, this is the program for you.

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Informed Pracitioner Training with Aycee Brown

Informed Practitioner Training is a training program for psychics, healers, therapists, life coaches, business strategists, consultants, and service providers who want to use Human Design & Astrology & Psychic Development to help their clients transform and heal. 

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