I'm Brandie

I'm an Informed Practitioner Facilitator for Human Design.

A reading provides you with a personalized insight for understanding yourself and your unique strengths, challenges, and purpose. I'll guide you through your Human Design chart, giving you a deep understanding of your energy centers, profile, authority, and more...

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As we’re on the brink of 2024, let’s switch up the narrative from typical goals to setting powerful intentions. It’s not just about what you want to do, but more about how you want to be. And with Human Design as our guide, we’re all about crafting a year that vibes with your truest self.

Human Design

December 18, 2023

Designing your 2024 Vibe


As we’re gearing up to bid farewell to 2023, let’s take a moment to raise a glass (or a fancy mocktail) to all your incredible wins this year. And what better way to do it than through the lens of Human Design? It’s time to celebrate your achievements, each aligned with your unique energy type.

Human Design

December 11, 2023

Toast to your 2023 Wins


‘Tis the season… for a little holiday chaos. But before you start stress-sipping that wine, let’s talk about managing the holidays – Human Design style. Because who said it had to chaotic?

Human Design

December 4, 2023

Managing Holiday Stress


The end of the year is here, and between parties, outfits, and gifts I’m sure money is on your mind! But this isn’t your average money talk. We’re Iooking at it, through the lens of Human Design. Because why shouldn’t your bank account be as aligned as you?

Human Design

November 27, 2023

Finances and the Holidays – Human Design Edition


Thanksgiving’s around the corner, and along with the turkey and pumpkin pie, comes the inevitable – family dynamics. Before you start strategizing your seating chart to avoid Aunt Patty’s third degree, let’s break down how Human Design can be your secret weapon for navigating the family battlefield.

Human Design

November 20, 2023

Surviving Thanksgiving with Human Design

Surviving Thanksgiving with Human Design


‘s that time of the year again and we’re all wondering where that extra hour of light went but before you start blaming Benjamin Franklin for messing with your sleep, let’s talk energy, Human Design style. As the days get shorter and the nights longer, it’s not just your coffee intake that needs adjusting.

Human Design

November 13, 2023

Daylight Savings and Your Human Design


Get ready to sprinkle some stardust on your holiday traditions this season. We’re not just talking about adding a new ornament to the tree; we’re talking about a full-on holiday revolution, powered by your unique Human Design. Because let’s be honest, you’re ready for something new.

Human Design

November 6, 2023

Create Your Signature Holiday Ritual


Human Design offers a profound understanding of our unique energetic makeup. At its core, it highlights the interplay between defined and undefined centers within us. This interplay shapes our personality, influencing everything from our strengths and vulnerabilities to our interactions with the world.

Human Design

September 25, 2023

The Interplay of Centers: How Your Defined and Undefined Centers Shape Your Personality


Change is an inevitable part of life. Whether it’s a major life transition, a career shift, a relationship change, or simply the ebb and flow of daily existence, we all face moments of transformation. Navigating these shifts can be challenging, but understanding your Human Design can provide valuable insights.

Human Design

September 18, 2023

Navigating Your Human Design in Times of Change: Coping Strategies for Transitions


In the realm of self-discovery and personal growth, there are countless systems and tools available. One such system that has been gaining attention and changing lives is Human Design. But what exactly is Human Design, and how can it help you on your journey to understanding yourself better?

Human Design

September 11, 2023

Unpacking the Basics: What Is Human Design?

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