I'm Brandie

I'm an Informed Practitioner Facilitator for Human Design.

A reading provides you with a personalized insight for understanding yourself and your unique strengths, challenges, and purpose. I'll guide you through your Human Design chart, giving you a deep understanding of your energy centers, profile, authority, and more...

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Human Design, a captivating system for self-discovery and personal growth, is often regarded as a profound blend of ancient wisdom and modern science. It draws from a rich tapestry of esoteric traditions, scientific principles, and mystical insights to provide individuals with a blueprint of their unique design.

Human Design

June 26, 2023

The Science Behind Human Design: Unearthing Its Roots in Astrology, I Ching, and More


In Human Design, the concept of authority is critical in helping you make decisions that align with your true nature. Authority refers to the way in which you make decisions, and it’s determined by the placement of specific centers in your chart.

Human Design

June 19, 2023

Understanding your Authority in Human Design


Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have a natural gift for critical thinking and problem-solving? Or why do others seem to struggle with overthinking and analysis paralysis? Understanding the Head Center in Human Design can shed some light on these questions.

Human Design

June 12, 2023

The Head Center


In this week’s Inside Your Design newsletter, we’ll explore the different aspects of the Ajna center, including how it affects our ability to think, analyze, and make decisions. We’ll also look at how this center interacts with other centers in the chart, and how you can leverage its power to unlock your inner wisdom.

Human Design

June 5, 2023

The Ajna Center


Are you familiar with the G center in human design? It’s often referred to as the “seat of the soul” because it represents our sense of direction and purpose in life. Located at the top of the bodygraph, the G center is the only center that connects to all other centers.

Human Design

May 29, 2023

The G Center


Today, I want to talk about the Heart Center in human design. The Heart Center is one of the nine energy centers in our body graph, and it represents our willpower, self-expression, and identity. The heart center is located in the middle of the body, and it’s associated with the energy of love, willpower, and courage.

Human Design

May 22, 2023

The Heart Center


In Human Design, the emotional solar plexus is one of the most powerful and complex centers. The emotional solar plexus center is associated with feelings of pleasure and pain, and it can influence your decision-making process. It’s one of the most complex and powerful centers in the human design system.

Human Design

May 15, 2023

The Emotional Solar Plexus


The Spleen Center is one of the nine centers in the Human Design body graph, and it is the oldest and most primitive center. It’s responsible for our survival instincts, our immune system, and our intuitive sense of danger.

Human Design

May 8, 2023

The Splenic Center


In Human Design, the sacral center is one of the most powerful and important energy centers in the body. It is also the center of life force and vitality, which is often referred to as the “engine” of the body.

Human Design

May 1, 2023

The Sacral Center


Have you ever felt a constant pressure to do something or get something done, even when you’re exhausted? Or maybe you find that you have bursts of energy and motivation that come and go, seemingly out of nowhere. If so, it’s possible that you have an active root center in your Human Design.

Human Design

April 24, 2023

The Root Center

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